Washington State Requirments for Trucking

Washington State Requirments for Trucking

As you can imagine, the Federal and State governments around the nation regulate the trucking industry, including licensing. The purpose of the regulation is to ensure safety on the highways, and not to keep out people. Licensing is a function of the state...
Trucker Health Guide

Trucker Health Guide

Over-the-road (OTR) truckers, also known as long-haul drivers, travel prolonged distances and may be away from home for weeks at a time. For many, it’s a tough job which leads to an unhealthy lifestyle. The very nature of the work is life-threatening. The work...
Drivers laws in the past

Drivers laws in the past

Drugs, trucking, the law, and your rights. What rights to motorists have if you are prescribed opioids or are a recovering drugs addict? Opioid use and abuse have reached epidemic levels in our nation. This catastrophe’s far-reaching, affecting sectors and...
The 16 Hour Trucking Rule

The 16 Hour Trucking Rule

16 hours short distance exception allows some commercial motor vehicle drivers to extend their 14-hour window by 2 hours each week, given that certain conditions are met. In this informative article, we discuss the nitty-gritty details of the 16-hour short drag,...